All Walks of Life - STOP the violence to people with disabilities!
How to help
All Walks Of Life exist on charitable, tax deductible contributions. We are a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt, publicly supported nonprofit organization incorporated in Texas.
Your contribution funds
- Community presentations conducted throughout the Greater Houston area to as many diverse groups as possible.
- Support staff which is minimum because we are an all volunteer organization.
- The service and maintenance of this web site.
Please make your contributions out to,
All Walks Of Life, Inc,
and mail it to
- All Walks Of Life, Inc.
- 1324 Avenue D.
- Katy, TX 77493
On behalf of All Walks of Life, Thank you!

Vulnerability is not a pleasant thought, No one should live in fear! Yet, for many people with disabilities, this is exactly the world in which they live. At home, in transit, at work, in care homes, in schools, the Vulnerability goes where they go.